Occidental, California

Here are some source for information about the town of Occidental, California. It is located in West Sonoma County, about an hour north of the Bay Area.



This is a website that tells you everything you need to know about holding your wedding or event in Occidental.

Occidental Chamber of Commerce

Here is a great place to start for a listing of businesses located in and around Occidental


Hand Goods - 3627 Main Street, 707-874-2161

Some of John's artistic works are carried here.



Leapin' Lizards - 3692 Bohemian Hwy, 707-874-3449

Some of John's artistic works are carried here.

Revival Antiques- 3692 Bohemian Hwy, 707-874-1359

Some of John's artistic works are carried here.

The Flying Turtle- 3165 Main St, 707-874-9773

Some of John's artistic works are carried here.

Verdigris - 72 Main Street, 707-874-9018

Some of John's artistic works are carried here.




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Each image on this website is legally protected by U.S. and International Copyright Laws, and may NOT be copied and used for reproduction in ANY manner unless arranged for in writing. All pictures on this website are Copyrighted © John G. Blair, and are for Web browser-viewing only. Usage of any image (including comp usage) must be negotiated. No image on this website may be used for any purpose without express written consent of the Copyright holder, John G. Blair. Unauthorized duplication or usage of these images is prohibited by U.S. and International Copyright Law.
